Cheer on the Team with Foam Spirit Boosters

Whether you’re cheering on your team at the World Series or rooting for your kids in their youth soccer league, a little team spirit always makes the games more fun and interesting. And while we can yell until we lose our voices, showing our spirit is much easier than saying it and foam products are one of the best ways to let your allegiance be known.

The biggest icon of the fan accessory world is the foam finger. These have come a long way since papier mache, and it’s difficult to go to a game at any level without seeing the affirmation that your team is, in fact, number one. These are cut en masse from soft foam blocks and are often used as fundraisers or giveaways in contests because of their affordability. Today, there are multiple designs and patterns used, many tailored to individual teams. Swords, talons, bear claws, and thumbs-up are just a few of the personalized patterns fans enjoy cheering with.

Cheering all day at the game can get uncomfortable though, from the hard, molded plastic seats or cold metal bleachers. This is where foam steps in again, to make showing your fandom that much easier. In stadiums that permit them, cushioning bench pads soften hard seats, relieve pressure, and make it much easier to enjoy the whole game. The cushions pads and softens, but can also be used to show spirit. Cushions come in various colors so you can keep your team colors consistent, and logos go even further in showing pride for your team.

Before you head out to the stadium, make sure you’re well equipped to let your favorite team know that you’re on their side.